Roles: Brand strategist/creative director, social media marketer, and designer
Indigifest was a 1 day free festival held on the traditional territories of the Lək̓ʷəŋən people in Victoria, BC. The festival was to highlight 18 emerging Indigenous music artists allowing them have live performances throughout B.C. It also allowed other artists from different background a chance to host workshops and engage families to participate. The festival was a huge success and drew in crowds from all over B.C and Vancouver Island. 
Working with the First Peoples' Cultural Council, we hired Heiltsuk artist K.C. Hall to create an artwork graphic. Based off that my role was to create a brand and creative theme that was used throughout the festival.  I then designed posters, social media flyers/posts, festival banners and signs. Also did social media promotion leading up to the festival, including paid target advertising to attract audiences, and posted throughout the festival.
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